This is the website from the Dutch Society of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (TAWN).
The TAWN is a society for persons interested in Thermal Analysis and/or Calorimetry.
The goal of the society is to assure that the members are well informed about the new developments in the field. This is to be reached with the following tools:
- Publication of the TA Bulletin and TAWN newsletter, sent to the members approximately 4 times a year.
- Organisation of meetings, with presentations and during which members can discuss about thermal analysis topics. These meetings are organized once a year, normally in the autumn, and also contain a membership meeting.
- Theme day. A selected theme is discussed into more detail, like calibration or glass transition.
- The travel grant for young scientists.
- This website.
- Contacts with international organisations and associated organisations in other countries.
If you would to become a member of the TAWN, you can sent an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (secretary TAWN)
TAWN will respect your personal data. This is also descibed in a privacy statement, which can be downloaded by this link
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